Community Service


One goal of the Hurlbutt PTO is to organize Community Outreach drives that support local charitable organizations, while affording students an opportunity to practice social responsibility and compassion for others.


Past Community Service Initiatives


We exceeded our goal and raised $1,468 for the Child Life Fund at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital. The funds raised will go toward the purchase of new toys to help bring joy and comfort to patients and families who cope with difficult diagnoses, brave scary procedures and navigate the stressors of a hospital stay. 



Ahead of Veteran's Day, we shipped 247 lbs of candy donated after Halloween to Operation Shoebox which sends care packages to service members deployed across the world. 



We delivered 6 giant bags of hats and mittens for Person2Person who provides access to food, clothing, education, housing, and more in Fairfield County. 


Questions? You can contact our Community Service Committee, Ana Maria Marinheiro, Ashley Salamon, and Karin Mazurs Robilotti.